Write a story that concerns one character on their death bed and another character just starting to live their life
Starting to live a life does not necessarily mean being born. Consider a moment in the character's life where that causes them to start living and not just existing
Sadly, we never got to meet.
People always say that Life is the most beautiful thing and death is the ugliest.
But couldn’t it be the other way around?
As one person lies on their death bed, waiting for the moment the heart-monitor stops beeping, the other starts their life, opening their eyes for the first time.
If I were to tell you, one person grew up to be the purest, most beautiful girl out there, and the other was a lowly man, would you know who was which?
What if I were to say they never met, because the girl came to earth the moment the room went silent. One was surrounded by people, the other surrounded by equipment.
Which one would you assume that lived out life to the fullest?
Who do you think fed the children at the sidewalk? The one who mowed their neighbours lawn? The one who always left a generous tip even if he hadn’t had much money?
Now, who do you think led guys on? Failed all their classes? Started taking drugs?
Who do you think led a full life, and who was left hanging by their ceiling fan?
Sometimes, Life can be just as ugly as death, and death just as beautiful as life.