"Hunt down the traitor, and bring them back to me alive."

Write a story in any genre that contains this piece of speech.

The Traitor

I slipped into the king’s chamber that night. It wasn’t hard, especially since he dismissed the guards early for his mistresses.

The room was large and filled to the brim with gold and jewels. Expensive plates sat in cabinets, and crowns that were far too heavy to wear were seated next to them on pedestals. The king had been hoarding the wealth of his country for far too long, and his subjects were tired of it.

That’s where I come in. I was hired by the subjects to slip in, kill the king, and get out. I had agreed to this task because I knew how easy it would be, so for the past three days, I have been living in the castle as a maid watching the king. From what I have seen, the king was definitely not fit to rule. He blew off meetings, ignored the advice of the council, and had no sympathy for his subjects. So he definitely deserves what is coming for him.

As I moved closer to the bed that was covered in fine white silk sheets, I could see the king. He was resting peacefully, laying on his back. I almost laughed at how foolish he was for dismissing the guards.

As I pulled out my dagger, I carefully pulled down the covers exposing the king’s neck. He shifted a little but did not wake. Carefully I placed the cold steel of the dagger on his neck.

I watched as he opened his blue eyes in surprise. This time I did let out a little laugh. This was always the best part when they realized what was happening.

“Your subjects send their regards,” I whispered to the King. I watched as his eye flew wide. He opened his mouth to scream, but I slid the dagger a crossed his throat before any sound could come out.

I stayed only a moment longer to watch his blood stain the white sheets. With a smile, I slipped down the hall and out of the castle.

The next day I received a summons for the queen, and my blood ran cold. She had found out that it was I who had killed the king, and now she would take my life too. However, I did find it strange that she sent no guards.

As I reached the castle, I could see that all the guards were on edge. They shifted uncomfortably as I walked by, so they must know.

In the throne room, the queen sat on the throne with her crown upon her head. As I drew closer to the throne, I could see that her eyes were red. She had been crying. I knelt down before her waiting to hear her words.

“Please stand up,” she said, motioning me to my feet. I obliged her and stood up. When I looked at her, she was smoothing out her dress.

“You are an assassin, are you not,” she said, her tone sharp. I nodded my head.

“Good,” she said, standing up, “I need you to do a job for me. I know it is your job to hunt down and kill people, but I need something a little different. You see, the King was killed last night and,” she shifted uncomfortably, “ I need you to hunt the man down. He is said to have blonde hair and is slightly taller than you.”

I nodded at the queen's words motioning for her to continue.

“Of course, I will pay you half of the money to start the quest and the other half when it is complete. There is just one condition. You must hunt down the traitor and bring them back to me alive.”

“Of course, your highness,” I said, bowing low, “that will not be a problem.” As I stood back up, a guard brought forward too large bags of coins for me.

“Here is the first half of your payment. Now be gone and find the traitor. I will be awaiting your return.” I bowed again and took the two bags of coins.

Once I was out of the castle gates, I let a smile slid onto my face. She thought the killer was a man, not a woman, and she definitely didn’t know it was me. I knew I could never bring an innocent man before her and claim that he killed the king, so tonight I would leave never to return. But hey, that’s why you always ask for half in advance.

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