
He looked around frantically searching through the brush. His hands got scraped and scratched but he didn’t even notice. If he didn’t hurry and find this antidote his friend would die. This all my fault, he thought. Why did he have to drag Bren all the way to another hemisphere just because he was having a quarter life crisis. There! Over there! It looked like… Aha! Kaz picked up the bottle brushing it off and inspecting it for cracks as he hurried back to his friend. Bren was where he left him breathing shallowly, unconscious and deathly pale. For a second his heart stalled as he put his fingers to his pulse. He breathed a sigh of relief as he found it. Shallow but still there. He opened up the bottle of shimmering grey liquid and poured it down Bren’s throat holding his mouth closed. Five seconds later Bren gave a full body shudder and his eyes snapped open, pupils dilating.

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