Secrets In The Dark Night

They tore up his body like he was made out of paper. I‘ve always been telling him to be careful when going out. I hear someone screaming-it‘s me. I never loved anyone more than him. I jokingly always promised him to protect him. If he only knew that i‘m usually out at night protecting the people living in our area. I start sobbing uncontrollably. My master said i should never show anyone my true identity which is why i never saved anyone in my costume infront of him. He would have immediately recognized me. Master has his eyes everywhere and he‘ll know if i don‘t follow the rules. But if i don‘t act quickly they‘ll make him die. One of my few powers is healing so i could heal him up and make him as good as new but i‘d lose the most important job our society has. Also i‘m supposed to not use my powers for any personal issues. I can‘t let him die. I can‘t lose my job. Only i can save him. We‘ve been together since forever. I can find a new important job. I transform into my “super hero version“ and stand infront of the love of my life. Now i‘m there to protect him and make him healthy again. Will my powers be strong enough tho? His injuries are worse than they first seemed and i‘m on my own. I also need to defeat the man that attacked him while i put him into one piece again. This is a race against time! While i‘m working on both of these jobs the man infront of me opens his perfect hazel eyes. His mouth opens and whispers :“ Laura? In the end you really did protect me…“

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