“The Dinner That Was”

“Hey Laquita, just checking…are you going to take me up on that offer or not?”

Raymond asked as he entered into the kitchen and began peering into the refrigerator.

“What offer are you referring to Raymond?”

Laquita asked, with one hand on her hip, while stirring the pot of steaming chili, that she was cooking with the other.

“You know!! the offer…about me asking my mother to come over and help you with Thanksgiving dinner this year?”

“ Again!! Like I told you earlier, Raymond!! absolutely not!!”

“Just give me One good reason Why Not

Laquita??” Raymond insisted.

“Ray! You’re such a “MAMA’S BOY”

you don’t want your mom to come

and just help me!!!

Noooooo! you want HER to come and actually COOK THE DINNER FOR ME!!!”

Laquita shouted, as

she forcibly threw down the spoon and blue hand towel she had been holding.

“ AAAnnnnddd…what’s wrong with that??”

Raymond chuckled.

“ Ray, we have been married for two years and my Thanksgiving dinners are improving!!

That’s what’s wrong with that!”

And your mom enjoys talking about my cooking behind my back!!!

You know she’s told many of you’re other family members that she thinks I’m just

an awful cook!!”

Laquita was now sobbing into her pink


“ Girl!! Ray shouted…my mama has done NO such thing!! She is not that type of person!!!”

“But, Laquita you have to admit you’re not the greatest cook!!” Raymond mumbled.

“ And you know I’m trying to get that promotion!! and I’ve invited my new supervisor Mr. Alexander and his wife over, because their new in town!! And I really want to make a good impression!!!..I just want things to be pretty much perfect!!”

“Well, I suggest that you have our Thanksgiving dinner catered Raymond…if you want things to be perfect!!”

Laquita demand, while hastily walking

out of the kitchen.

Raymond followed closely behind her

while yelling…

“What about last year?? …when you left the bag inside the turkey?

And …the potato salad …some of the potatoes were uncooked and hard!!

Remember the macaroni and cheese?

some of the noodles were crunchy, and there was hardly any cheese to be found!!!

And …the green beings… Well, they tasted just like you had just dumped them out of the can!!”

“Enough Ray Enough!!!!….I get the point!!”

Laquita was now bawling uncontrollably.

As she ran to their bedroom, and slammed the door loudly behind her.


But Laquita was determined to prove

Raymond wrong!!

Three weeks before Thanksgiving, Laquita made a point to watch every YouTube Thanksgiving cooking video she could find!

She took a local Thanksgiving Day meal

“boot camp” cooking class.

And her brother Marshall “the chef”

worked tirelessly with her, to perfect a couple unique thanksgiving day dishes.

Needless to say ….Laquita’s Thanksgiving meal was a major accomplishment and a

great success!!

Everyone in attendance, including Raymond’s mother, appeared, pleased, content, and satisfied!!

And most everyone even went back

for second helpings!!

Laquita was ecstatic!! and Raymond was thrilled!! as he apologized and gave her a loving kiss and warm embrace following dinner!!

After dinner while everyone was partaking in dessert and sipping on freshly brewed coffee, Mr. Alexander, offered Raymond,

his much anticipated promotion, at the car dealership!!! The promotion that he had been longing and praying for!!

Laquita was simply overjoyed!!!

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