Tears From The Sky

One by one the drops fell. Covering the dry ground in tiny little grey dots. I stood on the porch, it was keeping me from leaving. Like it was a sign that I should stay.

I didn’t want to, Matt would think of this as an excuse to stay. And it wasn’t. If only the rain didn’t scare the crap out of me.

I knocked on the door as it became louder, loudly hitting the roof top above me.

Matt opened the door, anger still lingering in his hazel eyes.

“Didn’t you leave?” He asked, the door open just enough for me to squeeze in. I did, not caring how weird it seemed.

“Lyndy, what are you doing!”

I hadn’t realized it but I was opening up the bathroom door and going in. I quickly shut the door, trying to calm my beating heart.

“I. . . Can’t-“

“Oh?” Matt cut me off, “I forgot you can’t do rain.”

I nodded sheepishly, I could feel my cheeks heating up.

Matt chuckled, “Lyndy. I guess I should apologize.”

I shook my head, “Don’t. It was my fault.”

I could feel something, like this was wrong. Like he was just apologizing because, what else was there to say.

“I’m sorry?” I blurted out, “I’m sorry I should go.”

The door was still a crack open and I rushed out. The rain making shivers run down my back.

Shivers that brought memories. That reopened scars.

I laughed jumping around in the puddles. Stefan was right next to me, his green eyes glowing with laughter.

“Lyndy,” he smiled, pulling me closer to him.

I hugged him back, the rain blocking my view.

I couldn’t even tell where we were. But that was the least of my concerns.

I felt Stefan push me away, at the same time as I heard a loud piercing  honk.

I hit the ground, pain shooting up my arm. My head just barely missing the blow. I had my arm to thank.

I got up slowly, looking over to see Stefan, he was laying on the ground, blood covering his face. I stood up and ran over to him, grabbing his face in my hands.

“Stef!” I whispered, his eyes opened half way. “Stef! Are you okay?”

“Lyndy,” he whispered. His eyes closing.

I could feel it. He was gone.

“No,” I said, my voice rising, “No. Stef. Your gonna be okay. It’s all gonna be okay.”

I shook his head, “Come on!” I screamed, “Wake up. You can do it. Just wake up. Wake up.”

Tears came out of no where mixing with the strong rain that was pouring down my face.

I pulled his head up to mine, hugging it close.

“Please,” I whispered, “Don’t go where I can’t follow.”

I shut my eyes.

I shook my head, my heart beating so hard I couldn’t hear anything else.

Matt was at my side. He was holding me, his breathing fast and uneasy.

“Lyndy. It’s okay,” he whispered.

It ls not okay, it’s been a year. And it’s been a horrible year. Pain, heartbreak, regret. That’s how to describe it.

Losing Stefan, never telling him how I felt. Feeling regret for never being honest with him about how I felt. What I wanted.

The rain poured down my back, marking me with tears. Stefan’s tears. His pain, his regret and his heartbreak.

And his tears fell from the sky.

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