Write a poem where the central theme is loyalty.
The Black Excellence Poem
Hello( as she said) I’m De’Aisha
And I really have to speak from my heart right now.
So I wrote this poem and I called it the black excellence poem,
But I realized that the excellence wasn’t the poem.
It was me !
it’s everyone who stands on this stage & in this room.
It’s the music in our souls,
I’m talking drake and Luther van dross.
Watch us shine, the brightest star you’ve ever seen.
Have you witnessed the joy that a black person brings. It makes you feel warm inside and shoots love into your body like laser beams.
And if black excellence is a star, then us-
In this room … is the most beautiful constellation I’ve ever seen.
Thank you all for being here, and thank you all for being you, I love you all stay blessed.