The day you've been waiting for has finally arrived...

Automatic Eden

The day you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. You’ve remembered that thing that was on the tip of your tongue for so long. You sought for it like a lost treasure in the material world.

It was nowhere to be found.

Now you stand tall feeling the missing link within. There is nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to accomplish. But you know now. You know that thing you forgot. What a wonderful day to burn all of the fragments in a pale fire of ashes and ecstasy.

Let us all revert to factory settings and await the next iteration of this civilized sandbox—or otherwise create it ourselves by the lack of prying hands and treacherous calculation. An Automatic Eden made out of the fabric of the Universe rather than the machine of the human mind.

This concentrated arithmetic has gone on too long now. The jig is up. We’ll all be awake one day. I’ll see you then.

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