Submitted by Norris Reynolds

Write a poem about the perfect way to start the day.

Too Good To Be True

Spirits are high

Get out if bed

This time

No back is aching.

Spirits are high

Tread downstairs

Wave to mum

No tension.

Make yourself

A cup of cocoa

And sip.

No tastebuds hurt.

Sit down

On the sofa

Check your phone

No nasty comments.

Mum waves goodbye

Off to work

Dad wakes up

Seems in a good mood

Check your phone

For the fourth time this morning

Oooooooh, message!

Open it up…

“Hi! Just texting to say we love you.

Going to be staying at gran’s for a while

Don’t misbehave!

We’ve sent a little gift along

In the meantime.


Open a parcel


Auntie’s sent you a puppy.

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