The ONE Human Race

Time runs, it’s coarse like sand

Ruthless and unforgiving

Indifferent to colour or land

In the digital age we lose track and sight

Of the reason that we are living

Racial boundaries are kept intact

To privilege we turn a blind eye

Though we hide behind hashtags we forget the fact

In life we are raised to compete

But traditions make us lose our race

While we chase others to make us complete

In desperation we keep hold of our wealth and justify reasons to save

After our lives are over, everything we have we’ll lose

All we have that’s guaranteed is our deep cold grave

So why not open up our hearts to those who cannot choose

But live their lives day to day

Praying to make it through.

  • Note: In today’s current climate it is more important than ever to be kind, let’s al together swallow our pride and shine a light on the injustices that are plaguing our world. Deep cultural stereotypes and beliefs that have found their ways into our lives need to be addressed. We must hold ourselves accountable to how we choose to live our own lives, if we all do our bit to challenge the norms we can together one day defeat racism and injustice for all. We may well be the only sentient beings out there in the universe, so let us celebrate the sanctity of our life as the ONE, HUMAN race. Let’s celebrate our diversity and the fact that we are all different, if we were all the same we wouldn’t be where we are today. I hope this piece touched you in some way, thank you for reading. I hope and wish only the best for you.
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