Fear Of Heights
As we’re waiting for our turn on the ride my vision began to blur and my breath quickened. I hate heights but I wasn’t going to tell her that. She kept asking if I was okay, in which I told her that I was fine. That was a lie. Heights, why heights? Humans belong on the ground, not in the sky. My fear made me notice every little thing about the ride and began to conjure up ideas. Ideas on how everything could go wrong, all ideas lead to death. Why am I thinking about this? This was suppose to be a nice date, not a panic fest.
As we got to the front of the ride my fear began to rise. I found myself biting my nails, how embarrassing. I started to regret saying I was okay. She could clearly see I wasn’t. I would have to toughen up, mother kept telling me in order to conquer my fears I would have to try it out more. I thought that was a bit biased, would she like to hold a snake? I’m sure she wouldn’t.
Getting in the ride was worse. As the workers began to make sure everyone was safely tucked in my breath quickened. I wanted to get off, but it was too late. The ride started, tears streamed down my face. Why was I so scared of a ride. Was it the fear of it breaking and me falling to my demise or the thought of just being up high? So many regrets at that moment. Alex, my date held my hand. She kept telling me consoling words, a face of worry plastered on her. I squeezed my eyes shut. Her comfort was helping. The fear didn’t go away but it didn’t feel as bad.
When the ride ended we went to go get cotton candy before leaving. My fear will always stay with me but so long as I have someone with me I will feel braver.