Unspoken Words

It started to rain.

“I was just trying to be what you wanted.”

A deep breath escaped through her lips as her body sank together. It felt like a huge sack of emotions; all of them folded tightly, unable to get out. She wanted to stick holes in it and scream them out. The loudest she could.

_Only for him to hear her._

If she were laying on her deathbed and only could whisper out the letters if not words, she would at least wanted to know if her screams was heard by him before that. Then she wouldn’t have no regrets.

But in this moment, as he turned around and met her eyes, staring into them that always made her butterflies wake up from their nest, she felt nothing. Whether that was relieving or the worst feeling she had ever encountered, she didn’t want to explore further.

It looked like he was about to say something because he opened his mouth. But as fast as he opened it, it closed. Like a brick wall. The rain was glittering in his dark hair as soon as the rays of sun hit them. It was moving away further from the clouds and the scene around them looked just straight from a movie.

But it wasn’t a movie. It was real. And reality hurts.

She didn’t realize his hand was moving slowly to hers, searching for it as you would search for a yellow rose in a sunflower field. It was impossible and somehow he knew it as well.

They had faded not short after he had stop watering them.

She closed her eyes for a moment as she noticed it would take a while for him to say it. Felt the slightly burning sensation that told her that it wouldn’t wait much longer for his last line. She was trembling, standing with her hands formed in fists, trying to control the sudden panic of being abounded. She wasn’t.

_She was found. By herself._

He said those last words while she had her eyes closed. Not long after she felt a brief touch on her shoulder, then the tapping sound of footstep touching the ground, went more and more distant.

And she opened her eyes. Felt her fast breathing slow down by second and she turned her face towards the sky, desperately looking for a sign.

The sky answered her with a rainbow.

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