A new form of selecting a leader is proposed, and you are now eligible to run for President of the World.

Write about your journey. You may choose to make it humorous, or try to think about real things you would do in this very unlikely situation!

The Only Trait That Matters

Well, earth was in for it now. After centuries of squabbling the people of earth had finally made contact with an alien species. Unfortunately they were not of peaceful kind. To be honest, with the humanity’s tendency to enslave newly discovered peoples of a lesser technological ability it should not have been all that surprising. But fortunately earth’s scientists had come up with a way to pick out the right leader to lead us in the most correct fashion forward possible. They developed a device that did not choose the smartest or the strongest or the wisest among us. No we needed to ensure one thing for the species; and that was to survive. And after extensive testing, they finally found me. Little old me living in the outback of Australia, using nothing but my wits in my life.

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