Write a short story about a birthday party that almost goes wrong.

What almost ruins the day? What saves it?

Birthday Cake

Jessie’s party was to be big. Huge even. The talk of the town. Anybody who’s anybody was invited, and expected to arrive prompt and with extravagant gifts. The main event, besides Jessie herself, was to be a ten layered cake, each layer a different color and flavor. It would be the talk of the night. As guests begin to stream in, Jessie herself was nowhere to be seen.

In the kitchen, behind the ballroom where the party was to be, Jessie is sitting, in tears. The cake on the floor, a rainbow mess splattered over the floor and the kitchen boy who was carrying it. “You! You did this!” Yelled Jessie,tears flowing freely, taking mascara with it. The boy looks up, dumbstruck, jaw hanging open. “Well? Do something! Don’t just stand there I need a cake!” She cries!

As the boy scampers off, a old woman shuffles into the kitchen, “my my, what a lovely mess this” she tuts. “It’s all that boys fault, he dropped it” Jessie sniffles. “Ah, and what should his punishment be?” The old woman croaks. “Punishment? I don’t care about that, I just need him to come back with a cake!” Jessie huffs. The old woman stares her in the eyes and whispers, “oh, a cake? I can make him a cake so very special.” Jessie hesitates but nods, “yes, I need one, and quickly. Everyone is arriving.”

From the hall a woman screams. Jessie jumps up and dashes out, leaving the old woman smiling and cackling in the kitchen. As Jessie rounds the corner she sees a pair of small shoes next to a beautiful three tiered cake. “Oh perfect!” Jessie exclaims. The woman in the hall turns and sputters, “but he.. he was a boy, and - “ Jessie doesn’t listen, instead she picks up the cake and hurries to the party.

Later that evening, once the dancing and games had ended. Jessie’s father calls, “it’s time to cut the cake! Everyone gather round!” The partygoers gather, excited to try this beautiful cake. Jessie takes the knife from her father, saying, “I’m a whole 13 years old now, dad, I want to cut my own piece!” With that, she slices a piece and quickly takes a bit. “Mmm! Red velvet! Delicious!”

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