
"Why does Jachin think he's lying?" Libra asked calmly.

Boaz explained: "the two of us are a lie detector. I engaged Mr. X on subjects I knew were emotionally charged for him, such as his father's prison sentence, and asked questions where he'd be forced to lie or admit to treasonous intentions. Jachin watched his facial expressions, and the ones he used to lie about how he felt about his father were the same as those he demonstrated when reporting on the Giant."

Juan winced. His father always used to tell him he was a terrible liar. "What facial expressions?" He asked.

"Well, your eye twitches, for one."

Juan coughed. "Ok, fine, I lied. I found the Giant, killed him, and have assumed his power. You all must tremble before me."

"Lying again," Boaz asserted.

"I should have burnt you both to skeletons the second I saw you," Juan snarled.

"Should have, would have, could have," chuckled Boaz.

Libra held out her hands. "So you've found the Giant, probably secreted him somewhere safe. Let's not bicker. Why aren't you fulfilling your mission and surrendering him to us."

Juan exhaled. "Honestly, I don't trust that the guild is dealing with this honorably. I've conferred with spirits and gotten to know Bucephalus personally. He's not a rampaging monster. He's among the last of his species. I want to know what's really going on between the Giants and the Wizards. I want some guarantee that he won't be killed or exploited if I give him to you. He deserves safety and protection. Simply because he's a Giant doesn't mean he deserves death."

"We are in a desperate situation, Juan," Libra responded. "This world is dying, and we need to be of one mind and a unified front if we are to survive. You've gotten sentimental over a creature who wouldn't hesitate to kill and eat you if he was hungry enough. You're acting as a rebel against the guild on behalf of a race that hasn't earned it by any standard."

Juan himself getting impatient. "Did you send that sylph after me, Xicarus? Were you hoping to knock me out and force me to surrender?"

Libra blushed and Juan knew it was the truth. "I have to use every means at my disposal to protect this realm."

"If you need to murder an entire species to protect a realm, maybe this world should end. Maybe we've reached our limit." Juan felt disgusted.

"How about this," Libra offered. "If you can defeat the Pillars in hand to hand combat, no magic, I'll answer all your questions and we can negotiate. But if you lose, you surrender the Giant and get taken into custody."

"How would violence solve this? I have to crack their mediocre heads to have a fair hearing?" He felt his face redden.

"It's the one chance you have. I suggest you take it." Libra sat back on her throne. The Pillars were already taking off their boots and shrugging off their robes.

Juan grunted. "It's not a fair fight. There's only two of you. But if these are the terms, I'll educate these adepts." He cracked his knuckles.

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