'Thank you. For nothing.'
Include this sentence in a story or poem. Use this opportunity to explore different aspects of emotion, and what may lead your characters to this sentence.
Don’t Come Back.
‘Thank you. For nothing’ You had said.
‘For nothing’ You had said.
What is ‘Nothing’?
Was helping you learn to fly,
Was helping you reach the stars,
Please, I am curious.
Was helping you out of the dark caves,
Teaching you to walk once again,
Was it all nothing?
I would beg,
I would plead,
Down on my knees,
For you to come back to me.
For you to fall into my arms once again,
And I would care for you.
And I would love you.
But that shall be no more.
I will not sob,
I am not as pathetic,
As you seem to think,
I am better.
And if you would once again,
Come stumbling back,
Searching for my aid,
You will only find locked doors.
Please, for once,
Think of others,
And learn their value,
For I am not disposable.
Learn to be a good friend,
Learn to see people,
Instead of my blinded,
By your own light.
I hope that you will,
I hope that no one shall go through what I have.
I hope you will no longer betray,
And you will learn to stay.