The Haunted Horror

Day 1

Today marks the first day of my new job. I am super nervous but also very exited. My new job is at this new haunted house for Halloween. All I have to do is make sure everything is in order. Sounds pretty easy but we shall see.


Day 2

Today I checked out what has been done so far and it looks really cool! Cant wait for tomorrow!


Day 3

Im starting to get eerie feeling about this place. Im sure its nothing but I just feel on edge most of the time.


Day 4

I went to work today but no-one was there. I didnt know that work was cancelled today. Oh I think I see somebody. Wait... that dosent look like somebody who works here. Im gonna get out of he-


"Huh that was weird" I say to myself "I wonder why it suddenly stopped".

I had found this journal on the ground and opened it to see who it belonged to. I decide to leave it be and throw the book back on the ground.

"Maybe the owner of it will find it here"

As im walking out of the building I hear a low growl and all of the doors shut before I could exit. The last thing I saw was red glowing eyes before everything went dark.

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