Submitted by Oddity

‘Ultimately, she decided to marry the king, but not for power or riches...’

I Trade Me For You

Ultimately, she decided to marry the king, but not for power or riches…but to liberate us all. She knew that chaining herself to this man would be the ultimate sacrifice….a sacrifice for her people. Nineteen year old Elena would give up her life in return for the town to not be incinerated. The king was going to burn down Feebles, one of Trutopia’s first settled town’s. King Marger had plans to make it into his army’s new state of the art training grounds. But Elena couldn’t bear to watch the place she grew up in be burned to ashes. Leaving everyone she has ever known with nothing but the clothes on their backs and dirt on their shoes. Elena’s knees were down in the dirt, begging the king for mercy. The king being his emotionless self, typically never even makes eye contact with the pleading souls. But he just so happen to kick a pebble in Elena’s direction. The pebble halting at the tail of her dirty, glacier blue dress. King Marger lifted his chin, only for his eyes to widen and gleam big. For the first time in what seemed like centuries, King Marger felt his heart skip a beat. His eyes glistened as he observed the frail, skinny girl with long brown hair. The tail of her braid was wipped across the side of her left shoulder. Elena feels the giant man staring down at her. She tilts her head up, narrowing her tear filled eyes. “Please” Elena said. “I will do anything. Please. I will do anything you ask, if you just leave my town and its people to be.” King Marger pinches his lips inward and twists them to the left side of his mouth. Pondering on what to do. “I’m feeling rather graceful today. How about a proposition for yuh pretty lady?” Elena’s face is etched with confusion but exhales slowly. “Anything.” King Marger’s lips smirk. “If you come stay with me in the Palace of Trutopia and vow to be my wife. I will leave your town and its people alone. I will even have my knights deliver freshly baked bread and produce weekly. Ensuring its fruitful growth.” Elena bursts out with histeria, “YOU?!! MARRY YOU?!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA” King Marger takes an aggressive step forward, “How dare you laugh while at the hands of my mercy? Taking advantage of my grace I see…Alright boys light em up.” The knights began sparking their fire tipped sticks. “WAIT!!! OKAY!! OKAY! OKAY FINE!…Fine I’ll…..I’ll….I’ll marry you.” King Marger lowers his hand, signaling to guards to lower their fire. “Marvelous Darling. I will be back for you in the morning. As for this town, you best be thanking this fine young lady..or shall I say your Queen…for the air you breathe now.”

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