by Adellanuki @ deviantart

Use this image as the setting for a story, poem, or descriptive piece.

The Castle In The Sky (part One)

The castle in the sky is a old legend from long ago about a castle that floated up to the sky. Hi, I’m Dogday, me and my friends are trying to find the castle in the sky. I don’t think it’s true but it might be.

‘Rattle rattle’ the plane is shaking severely “DogDay?” Hoppy asks “Yes?” “Why is the plane heading towards something in the sky?” I look at hoppy and then run to the cockpit. There it was. A beautiful lush castle placed right in the sky. “How do you stop a plane?” I say to myself. ‘Crash’

I fall back and tumble onto solid concrete. We crashed into the castle. “Is everyone okay?” I yell out, hoping someone would answer. Everyone answered. “HELP” I turn around and see kicken hanging onto the castle with one hand “HELP” he yells again. I run over but by the time I get there, he already fell. Suddenly I feel someone push me. I fall and grab onto the castle with both my hands.

I look up and see hoppy over me. Her eyes cold as ice. Everyone else is staring at her like she was a psycho murderer. “Heh, I never liked you anyway”

And with that. She pushes me off the castle.

I feel myself plummeting to the earth. I look up at the castle. Hoppy is staring at me like it was a staring competition. I feel a crack on my back and everyone goes black.

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