
Birthdays are more nerve racking

Than what most would consider fun.

They say I am older

But that is sure not how I feel.

“You’re so much taller,” say the relatives.

I nod,

Getting tired of how often I hear it from my parents.

Money tumbles out of cards

As I feel selfish

And read the whole thing before looking at the gift.

They say, “the money is in there right?”

And I respond with, “yes, thank you so much. The card was beautiful by the way.”

Birthdays should be about so much more,

Or at least that’s how I feel.

All they make the day out to be

Is a time of giving gifts.

We should be celebrating the gift of life

And not who gives the most money.

There are people everywhere,

So much noise,

They know I can’t handle this much noise.

Most people in which I have only met a few times.

“Family friends,” my parents say.

What about my friends?

What about the people I want to spend my day with?

I blow out the candles

Wishing for the same thing I do every year,

Although when they ask what it is

I do not tell them.

I know it will come true eventually.

At the end of the day,

I thank the universe for the help and support I have been given.

I may sound selfish but I truly am thankful for the love I have been gifted throughout my life.

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