Karen Jumps Teen Driver

I was driving home from college, about a 30 minute commute. As I was driving to a really sketchy neighborhood on the east side of San Jose, I drove as careful as I can. I made a stop in the intersection, waited 3 seconds, and looked left and right to make sure it was safe to make a left turn. It was safe so I made the left turn to the street where my house was, until a Karen high on meth/crack/heroin ignored the stop in her intersection, went 40 miles above the speed limit and almost crashed into me. Then she drove behind me honking at me for the driving mistake she made. She then followed me to my house. I parked, quickly entered my house, and locked my door. But Karen climbed the gate to my backyard, banged on my window, and entered to my house with a gun pointed at me. She screamed, “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! YOU ALMOST CRASHED INTO ME! YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN CAREFUL DRIVING!” 4 of my pets (a Maltese named Horchata, a chihuahua named Concha, a bulldog named Cookies, and a cat named Whiskers) all found out about the Karen being aggressive and they all started running to the rescue. As Horchata and Conchas were aggressively barking at Karen, Cookies bit Karen’s leg hard, causing her to scream awfully in pain and drop the gun, as Whiskers deeply scratched Karen, cutting her other leg open, with blood oozing out. I called 911 to explain what the Karen did, and how the Karen broke into my house. There were police, ambulance, and firefighters outside the house, along with neighbors who have witnessed the Karen almost crashing into me. The Karen gets arrested for her actions, and as the emergency team left, I told my pets that “we gotta install more security and prevent crazy people from coming to our house.”
