Boy Next Door

As Izlah was moving her last bag of stuff into her little brick house out in the woods, she heard some soft humming that was outside her house. “Wonder who could that be this early in the morning?” She asked herself, and then walked towards the window to take a peek, sure enough it was a handsome young elf man messing around in his garden. Izlah could feel her face heat up looking at him. She quickly shut the curtains and shook her head. “Looks like I got a neighbor, wonder if the other two houses have any one living in them? I thought this place was way more secluded then that.” She said staring at her little grey cat named Thumper. He purred tilting his head at her and began to rub his body on her leg. “Should we go say hi and see if they need a helping hand?” She asked to see what the cat would think, but Thumper rolled his eyes at her. “What? I was just wanting to be nice. Don’t give me that look.” She laughed at the cat, but then he stuck his tongue out at her. “Fine, I will go alone and you can have that fish in the box.” She told the cat, his bright yellow eyes got even bigger with the excitement of getting to eat some raw fish.

Izlah smiled at the cat as he chowed down on his fish. She grabbed a light leather jacket, and finally went out the door to see if the young man needed any help. ‘My he’s sure handsome’ she thought in her head as she was walking towards his garden that was behind his brick house.

The young mans elf ears twitched as he heard breaking of twigs as some one was approaching closer to him. He looked over his shoulder and caught sight of a beautiful white haired elf woman with big blue eyes. He blinked a couple times thinking his eye sight needed some clearing, but no, it doesn’t need any clearing because sure enough, there really was a young lovely woman approaching him.

His green eyes filled with excitement and he let out a charming smile. “Good morning, miss. Looks like I’ve got a new neighbor. Care to join me for some tea?” He asked staring at her, his eyes holding her eyes captive. Izlah stopped in her tracks as if she was suddenly really shy. Her face heating up and turning red. “Oh, tea ? With me?” She asked dumbly, this had the young man laugh out loud at her, he nodded yes to her. Then standing up where he was bent over working on some plants, he dusted off his pants and said “don’t be shy, I haven’t had many neighbors join me for tea the past few years, they are always off and about, kind of gets lonely to be honest. Please, come inside.” He said then turned around to walk into his house, she followed along like a lost little puppy.

Stepping inside his nice house, she smelt the fresh smell of lavender tea wafting in the air making her mouth water. She licked her lips getting excited for some fresh tea. But, this caught the young man named Aries attention, he suddenly walked quicker towards her and stuck his hand above her head on the wall, he had her cornered. Her eyes got big at this random action of his. He stared at her with a serious look on his handsome scruffy face. His curly red hair falling in his green eyes. Izlah raised her white eye brow at him, “can I help you?” She asked shyly. Aarie laughed at her, then put his arm down and turned around to fetch the tea.

Izlah let out a sigh of relief, ‘that was weird’ she thought to herself. “What’s your name?” The man asked her. “Oh, my name is Izlah, and yours?” She asked back as she watched him turn around to face her with his dreamy eyes. “It’s Arie, let’s be friends.” He said winking at her. “Wait, I know that name, and for some reason you look familiar.” She said catching his attention more so. He tilted his head, “ah yes, I believe we where neighbors in the past, you look and sound familiar too. I think your the chick I used to have a huge crush on.” He admitted. This made izlahs mouth hang open. “I like you too” she said to him.

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