Submitted by Sebastian Marie

Some things are easier to say in the dark...

Write a conversation between characters who are revealing their vulnerabilities under the cover of darkness.

The Conversation

Draya didn’t bother to turn on the lights on in her bedroom as she could see perfectly well in the room, and I didn’t need light to navigate the room. I knew that room like the back of my hand I could walk through blindfolded. I sit down on Draya’s king size bed and Draya sits beside me, putting her arms around me. “Maybe we should break in those new outfits Haley got for us.” She’s suggested.

“No, I’m not in the mood.” I say.

“Well then maybe we can just cuddle and watch She-Ra.”

“Cuddles yes but no She-Ra.”

“You are saying no to She-Ra? Now I know something is wrong. Please tell me what’s bothering you?”

“It’s nothing just something Ruby said.”

“Did she say something to upset you?”


“Really? Because if she did…”

“No, it didn’t upset me, but it did raise some questions.”

“What kind of questions?”

“Questions about why we haven’t discussed the possibility of me becoming a vampire? And if you ever planned on discussing it at all?”

Draya was silent at first then her arms wrap around me a little tighter and she pulled me closer “I have been putting this off for a while now. I guess I was worried about how you would react to it.”

"Did you think I would react badly?"

"I don't know, but every time I contemplated telling you I would think about the last time I made this suggestion to someone I cared this much about, and it nearly destroyed what we had and then I start to question and doubt myself and put off this conversation."

I was pretty sure she was talking about Shaylyn and although I was curious, that was a story for another day. “Well, we’re talking about it now so you can ask me and then I can give you, my answer.”

"Alright..." she said taking a deep breath before continuing "Darling I have been meaning to talk to you about this for a while; I never thought that I would ever find someone like you, someone I wanted to spend eternity with, but the thing is you are human, and humans don't live forever so what I am trying to ask is would you consider eventually letting me turn you into a vampire?"

"Draya, I love you and on the one hand an eternity with you is everything I could ever want but on the other hand I think we both know it's not that simple this isn't like you are just asking me to move in with you or something similar it's even more than a lifestyle change we're talking about an entire change in species here so I might need a little time to really give it some thought before I make my final decision. Although I am heavily leaning towards yes."

"I completely understand. This isn't a decision the be made rashly and I was going to suggest you take some time to think about it...had you immediately answered yes."

I smile glad and relived that we had, had this conversation.

"Feeling better?" Draya asked placing a kiss on my shoulder.

"Yes, much better I am Glad we talked about this"

"So are you still not in the mood or has that changed?"

"Could we watch the last three episodes or season three of She-Ra then we can breaking in the new outfits."

Draya smiled and hugged me even closer, and I felt something hard in my pocket pressing against my thigh and that's when I remembered the little velvet purple box, I had hidden in my pocket all day.

Draya disentangled her arms from around me and went to retrieve her laptop which gave me time to dig the little box out of my pocket then scooched back on the bed until I was resting my back against the headboard and awaited Draya.

Draya returned to the bed with the laptop and settled in beside me opening it and logging into Netflix "Ready?" she asked me the cursor hovering over the She-Ra episode.

"Actually, first I would like to give you this" I say holding the box in her line of sight "I wanted to give this to you when we were alone, but with everything that happened this evening I nearly forgot"

Draya took the box and opened it reveling the necklace inside with a pewter pendent shaped like two sideways interlocking hearts connecting like a figure eight so that it resembled the symbol for infinity nestled in the center where the hearts connected was a yellow topaz and an emerald right next to each other "It's supposed to represent love everlasting" I explained

"It's beautiful...will you put it on me?" she asked me

I smile taking the box from Draya removing the necklace and clasping it around her neck the pendant comes to rest just above her cleavage she glances down at it momentarly before looking at me

"Thank you, my darling princess, I love it." she said her gaze filled with love and adoration

"You're welcome I saw it awhile back and I had to get it for you"

at my word a glint of something appeared in Drays eyes; I knew that look all too well and it made my heart rate quicken in excitement and anticipation.

"You think She-Ra could wait until tomorrow? And we can break in the outfits Hallie got us next time?"

'Well, I suppose She-Ra isn't going anywhere and if we wait to break in the outfits, it will give us something to look forward to."

Draya smiled and began kissing me with intensity thus the start of what was to be a very Passionate, eventful and pleasurable night.

THE END next story is titled Thanksgiving

I think this might be the shortest chapter I have written for this series there might be like only one other chapter that is this short or possibly shorter but yeah, this one is not as long as most of my other ones

Sorry for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors; not my strong suits.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this and let me know what you think with some feedback thank you💜🖤😃

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