The After Party.

Write a story that begins just after a big party has finished.

Let’s Go

The drinks had been flowing all night. Jason had taken part in many of the festivities to include the drinking of a copious amount of alcohol. He stood around and watched as other people hooked up with other people and made their way out to their cars. He wished that he had someone to go home with, but he had never had much luck with the opposite sex, that is until he met Margie.

“Hey there Jason, are you alright?” Margie asked. Jason looked at the Margie’s in front of him. He had double vision due to all the alcohol he had drank. He weaved back and forth trying to focus on one of them and slurred “I’mmm alll right I guess.”. Margie laughed at him and grabbed his hand, “I’ll get you home. You are lucky I don’t drink.” She went to the room where the jackets were kept grabbing both hers and the one Jason picked as his and took him out to her car.

“This isn’t myyy carrrr.” Jason said as she slid him into the passenger seat, “We can come back and get your car tomorrow. I don’t know where you live so I’m just going to take you to my place, you can sleep in the extra room or on the couch.”. She belted herself in and pulled out away from the curb.

Margie turned some music on and started to sing along, “My car is one big Karaoke machine.”, she said as she tapped the steering wheel and sang along to the band Journey on the radio. She looked at Jason in the passenger seat just to make sure Jason was still alright and continued on her way home with her new guest.

When she made it home, she pulled her car into her driveway and took Jason into the house in the side door. She got him into the house where he stumbled around and fell down a few times before she was able to get him into the room. Flipping on the light she placed him on the bed and got him settled down. She wanted to keep an eye on him just to make sure he was alright and pulled a chair up to sit and watch him along with a trash can just in case he got sick.

She sat for about two hours and watched him and when she was sure he was alright she went to the closet and grabbed some cuffs for his ankles and wrists. She shackled him so he wouldn’t get out and wander around, turned off the lights and closed the door.

The next morning Jason woke up and tried to move but he was unable to. He tried to yell but he had a gag in his mouth and was unable to make a sound. Fear flowed through his veins and then he saw the door open. 

“Hey there sleep head. How are you feeling?” Margie asked with a big smile on her face, “Mmmmm…. mmmm.”, was all Jason could say. “Don’t worry you will be ok, I’ll take care of you, so you don’t do anything like that again.”, she ran her fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead before she closed the door. No one every saw Jason again and Margie was happier than she had ever been, she now had a new boyfriend and would take good care of him. She was glad she saw the party going on and stopped in to find herself a new boyfriend and told him “Let’s Go.”

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