The Old Earth

Earth, is no more. At least, not the earth they tell us about in the historical records. Few photographs remain of the world before the Greenhouse Initiative. From what I’ve gathered the world was lush and green bursting with life and vegetation. Rivers stretched out like the veins of the earth and water fell from the sky, hydrating the soil of the ground. Sunlight kissed your skin with warm rays and gentle winds caressed the hair of your head. Beast and bird roamed the earth, displaying their grace and majesty. And the moon and stars, illuminated the night with their brilliant radiance. But, despite all of it’s beauty, the government’s of the world, thought the world too difficult to tame.

Fields were covered with concrete, oceans with glass, the sky was shut out and the animals caged. The elements needed to be contained before humanity sent their only ecosystem into disarray. They said the world would die, if we did not take these precautions. From my point of view, it was a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Our leaders now preach that the world has been sanitized, and finally made clean. We have discovered renewable energy and purified our air. Scientists have found a way to create artificial day and night which hold to a strict and accurate schedule which regulate a livable temperature across the planet. Our entire population is contained within the walls of the Dome. The colossal structure which covers the face of the earth and protects us from the harsh environment of the world outside.

Life is better now I’m sure. That’s what they tell us after all. And I have never seen the outside world. No one has in at least a century. But I can’t help wondering, if the old earth, could ever be reborn.

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