'Farewell, my almost lover'

End your poem with this line, reflecting on lost love.

Another Love

TW: slight Christian themes

Take your hand in mine my dear

They will never find us here

Kisses stolen underneath nights shade

Its darkness concealing our little escapade

For the devil lives in us they would say

Yet it was our lord & savior who made us this way

Our souls he sewn into fate

To society’s rules we shall detonate

Oh no run faster my dear

With their pitchforks in hand they near

Burn the witches! they cry

I fear this is where we say goodbye

A covenant to which we swore

An enormous burden that we wore

Please my love, go & be free

But don’t you forget about me

And solely after your life is complete

At heavens gate again we shall meet

But now my mortal life is over

Farewell my almost lover

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