by Rayson Tan @ Unsplash

You are walking down the street, when you look up and see this. Continue the story...


I sigh as I close the door behind me, slightly hoping that it wouldn’t click shut. But it does. Why wouldn’t it? After all, I closed it. I already hate today.

I walk down the street, staring at nothing in particular when I see a man peering from around the corner, looking as if he was scaling the wall like a gecko. My mind goes blank, I’m too tired to deal with this. All I can think of is one word: what.

He looks at me and smiles, and I feel shivers go down my spine. “Hello!” He calls out, waving towards me with an inviting smile. “Could you please help me get down?” What.

No, no, no, no, no, and no again. I am not dealing with this today. I turn on my heal and quickly unlock the door, following it as it swings open and closing it behind me. What the fuck is my life?
