Submitted by by Laura Melvin
"I think I just met the happiest person in the world!"
Write a scene or story which begins with this piece of speech.
Unapologetically Happy
I think I just met the happiest person in the world! She keeps rambling on and on about every topic she can think of. It’s like she never runs out of something to talk about. Something to be happy about, for that matter. First it was her dog, then the weather, then the CVS coupon she found online this morning. Every sentence she speaks is followed up by an endearing smile or a little giggle, and I can’t help but wonder what’s causing all this joy she has.
What I can tell, is that her personality seems to be getting very mixed reactions from everyone in this room. Some people, including me, are admiring her with our eyes wide, soaking her in like sunlight. To me, the way she’s beaming and gleaming with every word is nothing short of magic. But oddly enough, she doesn’t have the same effect on everyone. On the other side of the room, a group of people are staring her down like she’s a fly that they’re planning to swat. The looks they’re shooting her tell me that these people think her personality is annoying. Her personality that consists of nothing but true and authentic happiness. I wonder, is she the annoying one? Or does she make people annoyed with themselves? Does her happiness hit a nerve in their shallow minds? Are they overcome with insecurity? I’m not one to judge, but…
I think I just met the happiest person in the world!