Submitted by Zephyr ivy Wissler Cupples
Once we went to the Pretzel hut at the petting zoo, while I held a bunny.
With this as the first line, write a story or poem.
But why a pretzel hut? Shouldn’t I have known I’m gluten intolerant. And bunny’s at a zoo? That cannot be right.
I remember waking up that morning and holding my boiling cup of coffee, scolding the roof of my mouth. Becoming a mindless being. My thoughts are scattered as I return back to the moment out of memory alone. How is this possible?
I put down the bunny and take a drag from my cigarette. The world deteriorated around me, a purple shroud, crunching down all matter, except me.
As I breathed out, the smoke also became purple ash. Taking a closer look, the purple haze turned into numbers. Echoing in the distance was a gradual bellow.
“Hello again” the deep voice uttered.
“Let’s try this one more time” said the mysterious voice gracefully. It’s was neither male nor female.
In a dampened fashion, 7 words repeated themselves; “East, 33, Renegade, Position, Key, 19, Visible”
A sharp flash of light cuts my eyes.
I’m back.
Holding my boiling cup of tea, start recalling memories.
Once we went to the Churro hut at the petting zoo, while I held a Guinea Pig.