A mistake you made 10 years ago suddenly comes back to bite you...

That Funny Little Look

When I got into work on Monday, Terry tasked me with training the new girl. This didn't bother me. For starters, the new girl, Chantal, was very cute. Beyond that, training days were the easiest, seeing as I really didn't do anything. I accepted the task, and it actually made me excited for the day.

As I stated before, Chantal was an absolute knockout. Golden Brown hair, with the faintest wave, big eyes, and a stunning smile. She pulled a chair up next to me, and I immediately felt warm. Embarrassing, maybe even a little pathetic, but I did. I cleared my throat and gained my bearings.

"How's your morning Chantal?" I asked. Trying my best to sound confident.

She smiled again. That room illuminating smile. "I"m good. Everyone seems super nice here. Which is good."

I nodded and shrugged. "Eh they're alright."

Chantal smiled and nodded her head. I caught her attention fall to the tattoos on my arm. For a split second, I caught a funny little look graze across her face. It was so quick that if I'd blinked I would have missed it. But I caught it, and I think she was quick enough to catch my somewhat stifled reaction.

"You have tattoos." She said, almost in a whisper.

I nodded my head. "I do." I pointed to the one on my shoulder. "This was my first one. Batman, my favorite Superhero." Pointed to my outer forearm. "Spider-Man, also my favorite Superhero" And finally pointed to my inner forearm. "And this one is from The Simpsons."

She did it again. That funny little look. This one lasted a bit longer. She looked at the tattoos, then directly at me. It looked as though she were studying me. I was starting to get nervous, and for all the wrong reasons.

I cleared my throat again, I could feel the hint of preparation on my forehead, just at my hairline. "Is everything alright?"

Chantal smiled and nodded. "Yeah. It's nothing."

I gave her a little frown. "Alright." Something was still off. The preparation increased.

I started to show Chantal the ins and outs of her job and she picked everything up rather quickly. We talked about our past a little bit, I learned that she was just a few years behind me in terms of graduating High School. She lived across the country in New York for most of her life before coming here to California. We shared a fair amount of interests, not all, but a good amount. Overall, she seemed like a very sweet girl, and again...I found her to be absolutely ravishing.

But ever so often I'd catch that strange look of what appeared to be curiosity. I caught it on numerous occasions throughout the day.

And then, abruptly and out of nowhere. She said something.

"I know you from somewhere."

I frowned. How was this possible? I for one had never seen this girl before (I for sure would have remembered her).

"How?" I questioned.

Chantal's eyes darted to my tattoos, then back to my eyes, she smirked. Her eyes darted to her left and right, assessing our surroundings for co-workers. Her voice lowered to a whisper. I drew my head closer to hers.

"I saw you on that site. Years ago. I forgot what it was called but it was one of those anonymous live cam sites."

My blood froze. The sweat rained down my forehead and into my eyes. I felt my body tremble, the world around me became muffled and distant.

I'd completely forgotten about my days on Chat Roulette. Those were dark days...hell they were the darkest days of my life. Even back then I was cautious, making sure I never showed my face. I knew I couldn't do much about the tattoos, who the hell would remember tattoos?

I'd only been on there a handful of times, and I'd only had one viewer.


And that one viewer was sitting to my right.

"I recognized the tattoos. I couldn't place why they looked so familiar." Chantal let out a nervous giggle. "Took me all day, and then it just clicked."

My jaw fell open as I searched for the words to say, but I couldn't speak. My brain had gone numb. And then Terry returned.

"Hey, Chantal! How was your first day?"

Chantal smiled. "It was great. Thank you for asking."

Terry smiled. "Alright, well it's clock out time. We'll see you tomorrow."

Chantal smiled at me once again.

"See you tomorrow."

I watched her leave, kind of. I peered nervously over my shoulder as she neared the exit. And just before she pushed through the exit doors, she peered over her shoulder. Looking at me with that funny little look of hers.

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