Write a story with a character who directly addresses the reader.
This is a type of fourth-wall-breaking which can bring about more impact to the message you are conveying.
Why are you reading this?
I honestly don't know why anyone would read this. I'm sure some might find my life interesting but to me it is always others lives that are far more so. They were the ones who fought the fights, over came the odds, saved the day and all that. I on the other hand was the one they fought, who stacked the odds in my favour and tried to destroy the day. I suppose that makes me interesting. You people always do seem fascinated by villains, not to mention dead people. Truly I do not understand it. Although I tried not to become to much like my predecessor, and that included his paralyzing fear of the Door, I must admit that it holds some amount of fear with me. When you manage to kill a God you become most terribly aware of your own mortality. But all that is over and I now wander these hallowed halls in search of something...anything. My discovery of you and my ability to pass my knowledge on is of course the reason I write. I hope that through my life and the life of those around me you may learn from the error of my ways and take from their lives lessons on loyalty, patience, kindness and courage. I also admit that I hope through my writing I may assuage my deep depression at not being with them. I truly hope, more than anything in this life or that, that I may one day be reunited with them...with her.
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