
I awoke not with a bang, nor a whimper, but rather a long steaming tongue scraping its way up the side of my face. Its thick pasty saliva drips down onto my chin, the tongue heaving up and down. As I regained my strength, my eyes began to roll open, the darkness of the cave spilling into my eyes. My eyes dart to the creature on my left. My hand reaches out to feel the mysterious creature but it dangles in the cold air. I feel around the ground, small rocks and dust rolling onto my palm. My hand reaches onto a stick of wood, my fingers wrapping around the surface. I wave the stick around the air, hitting onto a hard surface. The monster bites onto the stick, pulling it towards their body. As the creature holds onto the wood, I get up and bold towards a hole in the cave. It’s dark but a speck of light sticks out at the end of the tunnel.

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