by Jean Wimmerlin @ Unsplash

Write a story or poem inspired by this abandoned place.
Sand dunes?
I pulled the mask down, opening my dry mouth to the sudden spell of wind coming through the sand dunes. 'Run!' Some called from a distance, running in the opposite direction. Everyone jumped off the camels and ran, seemingly forgetting to untie me. 'I am a prisoner! I do not deserve to die without a trail!' I screech, twisting and turning my body in ways a acrobat would be proud of. 'Please,' I mutter, my last attempt of a fight from my cracked lips. A cloud of sand fell over us all, I pull my mask back up and shut my eyes, only opening them a moment later to the sound of a clunk. Peering through the mask high above my nose, to my surprise, lays a big fat key and my way out of this wretched nightmare. Sighing a thank you to the Gods, I reach my handcuffed hands down, picking up the key that holds my freedom and unlock the shackles around my arms and ankles. The sand cloud bashes and i hear faint screaming and screeching. The diffrence was; I couldn't tell what was human, and what wasn't. So, i ran. Ran as fast as i could, in whatever direction i could, and i kept running. I ran for what seemed like four hours, but was more possibol as thirty minuets. Finally stopping, i fell to my knees and ripped the gods-dammed mask off heaving breaths out my dry, cracked lips. I suddenly regretted running through scorching hot sand dunes with no water. I looked up to see a faint building. Broken, crumble of roof laid of the sand, almost swolling it whole. The building, a faint hint of blue painted dried outside. Stepping closer, i noticed all the windows where gone, doors too, all that was left where empty spaces where they should be. It was filled with sand, but for some reason, it felt like it was a home once. A happy one. A home where you could eat your dinner in peace without screaming from your father and mother, one where you could play tic tac toe with your sibling in the dining room table, giggling and laughing as you lost. A feeling i no longer felt hit me straight in the heart. Sadness.