Write a poem with the title “One Long Night”.
Night time settings are excellent for exploring a number of themes or events. What kind of experience might you write about?
One Long Night
I don’t know how to feel anymore
Just waiting for you to open the door
Why should I continue waiting?
Why shouldn’t I be hating?
It’s really late at night
My mind is beginning to fright
The shadows crawl, whispering in my ear
Echoes of despair, my deepest fear
The darkness envelops, a suffocating shroud
My thoughts spiral, lost in the crowd
Each moment feels like eternity
Trapped in this cycle of uncertainty
The night stretches on, an endless abyss
Lost in my thoughts, I reminisce
But dawn will break, a sliver of light
A chance to start anew, to end the fight
For even in the darkest hour
There’s hope, a seed, a fragile flower
So I’ll hold on, through this endless night
Knowing that soon, I’ll see the light.