'Farewell, my almost lover'
End your poem with this line, reflecting on lost love.
My Sunlight.
The sky tasted of sunlight.
When you walked by my side,
My eyes saw scents, my worries were paperweight,
My skin heard the music of the world, opened wide
Like a treasure chest, bursting, brimming
With walks, talks, ice creams, sunsets, telling
A story of what we couldn’t become,
Unrequited love under a spiteful sun.
The sky cried in sunlight.
It opened its heavenly bowels,
Filling my clarity, in hopes I might
Feel as light as a monk’s cowl
Feel the veil cloak my insecurities
As time profounded my anxieties
Forboding of what love’s desperation
Can do to the walls of my mental fortification.
Your life is my sunlight.
The oak woods of your eyes held a warmth
That sustained, a warmth that I’d fight
For, for it shone like my own star up north
Shone upon me like revelations of peace
Peace you took from me with such cold ease
Left me dark and alone, away from my one light,
My shadow remained, evidence of your sunlight.
The world could not house your sunlight.
The accused you of being dark in their city,
Solely because you shone a burning white
Only for me, only for my sake, because you loved me,
You shone to direct me, you shone to guide me,
You left me permanently, left me too quickly,
Time rolled in its ranks, now I’m dark and alone
You parted from me, your life forsworn,
To live without you; a struggle like no other,
I breathe in the sunlight; farewell, my almost lover.