Write a story where a character's pet ruins an event.

You can write in any genre, and your story doesn't necessarily have to be humorous!


“Did you get a good nap?” My boss asked me, I accidentally fell asleep on my desk during work. “Uhh sorry boss, I’m too tired from work” I agologized to him, as a penalty, he told me that I will need to attend a meeting and perform a presentation tomorrow. This news terrifies me, I’m incompetent at doing a presentation. I miserably went back home, my dog barked as he were trying to welcome me back home. I’m still single at the age of 33, my family doesn’t live with me, all that live with me in my house other than me is my dog. He is a enthusiastic dog, that is also the reason I pick him in the shop rather than other ones. One thing about him that troubled me is he always follow me outside the house if I didn’t tie him in home

Overnight I prepared and practice for my presentation, I lack confidence over my presentation skills. After a few hours of practice, I think I’m capable of performing the presentation tomorrow. I tiredly went to my bed and fell asleep. When I woke up I’m almost late for the presentation, I hurriedly ran to the company. But I didn’t noticed that something seems to be following me.

Fortunately, I arrived in time, I started to present. The audience was satisfied with my presentation. Just as my presentation was about to end, a dog jumped into the room and began to wreck havoc. Everyone scattered around the room after being surprised by this sudden interruption. When examined the dog clearly I realized that it was my dog who had ruined my presentation . It must be that I forgot to tie him in home. After this event ended, I apologize to everyone, thankfully they all accept my apologies.

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