Your character is out on their boat alone, when a sinister shadow passes below them.

Build intensity and an element of fear from the outset.

I'm Out Fishing

I'm out fishing.

One day and the next.

I caught one fish today.

Two the next.

Oh! A red fish.

Never seen their kind.

Sailing deep in the sea~

Blue fish I found

Way too slimy

I threw that old fish

back in the deep.

A small patch of black,

appearing in the sea.

New fish I caught,

deep as I go.

It's shaped like a cat.

Limbs and a paw.

It slapped my face--

the audacity!

And vanished in a pool of black.

Deeper in the sea I go~

I notice that

The fish are bigger

Antenna and scales,

Limbs and cat eyes,

Thorns and sharp teeth,

Shining under the sea.

The stain my boat leaks,

seems to scare them away.

The waves are bigger,

I tug at my rod.

This must be at least six feet,

I clamor excitedly.

The boat lurches with me,

splashing water overboard.

And I finally notice.

This isn't the sea.

There is no stain.

These are not fish.

I'm out on a boat~

In the middle of nowhere.

There's no land to be seen,

but a shadow is under.

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