I normally agree that texting lacks tone, but I could feel the devastation in Amanda’s message when she asked me if it was true about Logan being dead.
I swallowed hard, started clacking the keyboard on my phone with my thumbs, paused, deleted what I had just typed. I was grateful Amanda couldn’t see my reactions in real time.
I sighed heavily and dropped my hands to my sides, my phone clutched in my right hand. I counted to five, lifted my phone back up to my face and pressed my finger against Amanda’s picture on my screen. Everything went black for a second, followed by a kaleidoscope of color shooting up around me, finally finishing with a calm vibrational landing back into darkness. I blinked hard and rapidly until I saw Amanda standing in front of me.
Her body relaxed and her eyes thanked me for coming. I nodded, confirming her original question about Logan. Amanda wrapped her arms around my neck and started sobbing.