“In another life, our souls would intertwine, our hearts would synchronize, and our love would be real.”
Compose a poem based off of this quote and theme of “in another life”.
What Good Is Life Without Hope?
The blue sky above and the molten below, exist still in Fantasyland,
This other life dreamed instead of my own, a life where we stand hand in hand.
That world is the same, yet so different from ours, the main thing is peace reigns throughout,
No wars being fought, no hatred exists, no sickness or famine or drought.
Instead it’s just love, or empathic respect, no need for a soldier to drive,
And with peace there’s no war, with no war there’s no bombs, and no bombs mean you’re still here alive.
I dream of this life, both in sleep and in wake, I dream you’re still here in my arms,
I dream of your face, of your smiles and your laugh, I dream of your wit and your charms.
I dream that your hair gets thinner and grayer, and that wrinkles start lining your eyes,
I dream that you’re older, alongside of me, not frozen at just 25.
I’ve always been told there’s no use in ‘what ifs’ but I think that’s a huge misanthrope.
What are dreams but ‘what ifs’, what is hope without dreams, and what good is life without hope?
So I’ll keep on thinking of this other life, where our souls and our hands intertwine,
Where my heart beats for yours and yours beats at all, and you tell me your love is all mine.
I’ll keep dreaming you’d lived, and that wars don’t exist, because love and compassion abide,
I’ll keep wishing for change, for worldwide goodwill, and for people to unite, not divide.
I’ll dream I still wear the ring you gave me, only this time it’s cause I’m your wife.
Peace, love, and you - that’s what my heart yearns - it exists in another life.
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