The Gods’ Were Upon Us

Once a year, They would come down from the heavens and grant our wishes.

They were what we worshiped and gave our prayers to.

However, for some reason, they have not come down to greet us in a century.

We suffered with famine, sickness, and death. These were the most terrible years in the history of our community.

One day, a slit formed in the clouds. It was spectacular. The suns’ rays shone down on all of us as 3 figures glided down from above. It was the Gods’.

They looked just as the ones before us described them. Angelic, perfect figures with huge, white wings and pearlescent hair.

However there was something strange about them.

As they got closer to the ground, they looked more and more off. They had multiple eyes and were bigger than expected.

There was something else, however. They had fangs.

Long, white fangs that hung from their mouths. They looked terrifying.

Still, we praised them. We gave our prayers, and we gave our wishes.

They helped us with their abilities.

Something still felt off, though it didn’t matter, they got rid of our famine, our death, and our sickness. We lived in peace again.

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