Closing Time

Monday. Six pm.

On the dot.

They run into the flower shop.

They get a singular sweet pea.

Tuesday. Six pm.

On the dot.

They run into the flower shop.

They get a singular sweet pea.

Wednesday. Six pm.

On the dot.

They run into the flower shop.

They get a singular sweet pea.

Thursday. Six pm.

On the dot.

They run into the flower shop.

They get a singular sweet pea.

Friday. Six pm.

On the dot.

They run into the flower shop.

They get a singular sweet pea.

Saturday . Six pm.

On the dot.

They run into the flower shop.

They get a singular sweet pea.

Sunday. Six pm.

On the dot.

They gather all six sweet peas.

They go to the pier and sit.

Weeks go by,

The schedule never changes.

Six pm was their time.

Their time to reflect.

The flower shop soon picks on such behaviors from this young individual

They ask,

“Why do you always come in at six pm and get one singular sweet pea.”

They blush with embarrassment.

They answer,

“Well, you see, I’ve struggled,

Struggled with letting things go,

Struggled with saying goodbyes.

The flower resembles much more than you think.”

The flower shop, eager to know more,

Asks the individual,

“Symbolically, what does the sweet pea mean and why six pm”

Shining through their skin with nervousness,

They answer,

“The sweet pea resembles goodbyes.

I purchase one everyday,

Right before you close.”

“But we are open on sundays”

The flower shops states interrupting them

“What about Sundays, why don’t you come in”

“Sundays are special for me”

They replied

“Sundays I collect all six flowers,

From Monday to Saturday.

I collect them and take them to the pier up by the lake.”

“What’s so special about the pier?

Do you still go at six pm?”

The flower shop asked,  interested

“Why yes, I still go at six.

I take all six flowers and I reflect on the week.

One by one,

I grab each flower and reflect”

They begin to further explain

“I sit and I reflect and speak to myself.

The first flower, represents Monday.

The sixth flower represents Saturday.

I take each one and I state three things about each day.”

They state

The flower shop,

Pauses them again,

“What three things do you say about each day?”

“Good question”

They replied.

“I focus on three things.

First I think bout the best thing that happened that day.

Secondly, I think about the worst thing that happened that day.

Finally, I think about what changes I can make for the next week to come.”

“Once I do that, I take each flower

And I toss it into the lake,

Saying my goodbyes.”

“But, but isn’t that foolish to just toss them”

The flower shop asked.

“They last longer than a few days.”

“While you are correct,

They do last longer than a week”

They begin to explain

“It takes away from the symbolization.

The sweet pea resembles goodbyes.

Goodbyes are hard, however,

Goodbyes are often needed.

If we continue to hold onto the feelings,

After a while, those feelings may hurt.

If we don’t say our goodbyes, we will let those feelings continually hurt.”

Catching on,

The flower shop inquires,

“Is this why you do it near closing time”

They answer proudly,

“Yes, I do all of this near closing time as it closes out one week

And it starts my next week on a set closure- to provide opening.

While I can still feel everything from last week,

It gave closure.

It gave everything it needed to let me grow.

It gave everything I needed to open the next week up,

Open it in a new, cared, and seen way.”

They provided themselves with the closure time needs - one sweet pea at a time.

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