Art by Sans @

Monsters can be heroes too. Write a short story in which a monster saves the day.

No Monster In My Eyes

Robert dashed across the street from the bank he was robbing. As he ran he heard cars going past him filled with drivers and passengers unknown to the fact he had just stolen thousands of pounds and had to kill a man in the process. His breath was already starting to feel heavy, his jaw felt as if it was chained to a dive bell. He sprinted into a nearby alleyway, one where he knew he wouldn't be safe because 1) it looked dodgy as alleyways do and 2) there was a helicopter searching for him. He could smell the desperation in the alleyway where probably hundreds of homeless people had slept, urinated and defecated. Further proving this was the fact that a homeless man was urinating as he walked into the alleyway, oblivious to the supposedly clean civilisation and society that he was meant to be a part of. Robert felt a kind of kinship with the homeless as both him and them were outsiders in society so he always made sure to give some change whenever he walked past one holding out a cup.

Robert walked up to him to strike a deal and tapped him on the shoulder. Turning around, the homeless man hadn't finished urinating and spilt some pee all over Robert's jeans. Infuriated, Robert asked the man what the hell was wrong with him. Before the homeless man had ample time to explain Robert tackled the man and struck him repeatedly in the face with his fist, it was a cold day so his strikes would hurt him as well as the homeless man. Suddenly the homeless man bit Robert on the knuckle and caused him to reel back.

"I haven't got time for this" said Robert as he pulled out a pistol with the homeless man simply accepting his fate, cocking it before shooting him repeatedly. His limp body simply fell over.

Robert was now on the run again. Having defeated the homeless man, he walked quickly through the streets figuring out where he was in relation to his home. The streets were empty, all he heard was the soft wind. The drivers and passengers from earlier had all gone home, to watch TV, to have dinner. Conversing with each other, asking how their day's been, how's the weather. A luxury and comfort Robert never knew.

As he walked past building after building his body temperature started to rise, which was weird as it wasn't like Robert was particularly wrapped up. Suddenly in front of him, two squad cars were driving up to him speeding along. Robert ran the other direction but then saw the helicopter flying above accompanied by two more squad cars on the ground. He calmly sat on the pavement and looked at his knuckles, he saw pus forming around a certain area. Before he could form more thoughts Robert was taken by two police officers to a car.

As the two officers drove to the station they were questioning Robert with no answers from him. They reached the police station and parked the car. One of the officers went to the back of the car and opened the door, Robert came falling out. Upon inspection of him, it was determined that Robert had died in the car. Upon closer inspection however, they noted how his knuckles were inflamed and red and also how a forming of pus had appeared on a certain area. It looked like a bite mark...

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