Ron Primrose
Write a story set in a gallery or museum where only one item is exhibited.
The Pedestal
It seemed barren. That was because there was nothing truly there. Just an empty mirrored pedestal seated .3 inches away from the center of the room.
Some hate modern performance art, but I think this work is quite powerful. You see, there is no performance, except the ticking of our minds breaking down in our lifelong quest to thwart insanity. Yet insanity is all around us. I think that is really the point.
You are the performance. Little do you know, I have been scanning your brain since you’ve stepped in this room. I’ve seen you try to fight it off. The anger; the feeling of betrayal. This is how it goes for most.
First, they pay the entrance fee- a hefty one, but slightly different for everyone. They expect greatness from the greatest exhibit in the world. They come in, ready to be inspired, enlightened, changed. Then, their mood changes as they realize what the exhibit is, or isn’t.
But, it’s not until we let you out a day later that you truly understand. Then you are changed. Then you are enlightened. Then you are angry at the world. But mostly, that anger is directed at me, the creator. The one who turned the key inside the lock. The one who revealed to you the truths you would have liked to stay naïve too.
So get down off your high horse, your pedestal. You are not better than me. You too, seek greatness. You too seek answers. Knowledge. What could be more valuable?