Write a poem about a physical journey that you have been on.
Explore the tangible aspects of a journey you have been on, and how these physical characteristics may have impacted mental and spiritual aspects of the journey too.
They Called Me Fat
They would call me fat
My friends would try their best to stick up for me, cussing them out with no hesitation
Leaving me to laugh and point, although I still felt humiliated
I knew that my friends comebacks weren’t enough to heal the wounds of their words
When I would get home from school, I would stand in the mirror, sucking in my stomach and trying to fit into my big sister’s tighter clothes
I was insecure
I decided to wear my sister’s clothes to school to see if they would say the same things about my weight, but it only got worse because they noticed that I was trying to avoid them
They called me “stuffed” and it was the first time I heard the term, “obese”
I decided to do my research on that particular word
I was familiar with being called “fat” and “overweight”, but I’d never heard someone call me “obese”
When I read the articles about how the obese weighed more than the overweight, I cried and that was the first time I contemplated killing myself
I didn’t want to go to school.
I didn’t want to eat anymore.
I didn’t want them to call me fat.
My Mom had enough of it
She got sick of the excuses that I’d make up for not being able to go school
Like, “I was sick” or “I wanted a day off”
She started to force me to go to school, ignoring the excuses and lies
I faked as if I was going because I would walk to school
Then, when I made it out of her eyesight, I went through a shortcut, and sneaked back into the house through my window
Silly of me to think that she wouldn’t find out because I still came up as absent in school
She decided to go the school counselor about someone potentially bullying me, but
I’d never told anyone how I truly felt so they had no real evidence
I asked my Mom if we could start going to the gym and she said yes so I started to exercise in order to lose weight
It helped me to lose a few pounds, but I still
looked fat and I still couldn’t fit into my sister’s clothes
One day, I’d had enough of trying to fit their beauty standard
I took my sister’s medication to attempt to overdose, potentially killing myself
It didn’t work
I went back to school after about a week, but this time I had a therapist to give me strategies on how to cope with my weight
Rumors spread that I attempted suicide and everyone started to praise me
That month, we had an assembly about bullying
They stopped calling me fat & we became associates