Submitted by The Astonomer

Write a single scene about a chase.

It could be high speed, a car chase, someone on the run, anything you associate with a chase.

A Game

“Jillian!” Maverick pleaded. “Jill!”

Jillian heard him, but she didn’t stop walking. She didn’t even turn around. She was tired of his fiddling with her, and she needed him to know she wasn’t putting up with it anymore. He constantly used her, and she hated it. She hated him.

The party was crowded. Jillian made her way through the many rooms, filled with smokers, couples, and drunk teenagers. The music was booming, and she swore she could feel the ground shaking from underneath her. She could also hear Maverick’s cries still, but not as loudly. Sighing, she continued to pace, looking for the exit. She would talk to him later.

After what felt like years, she found the front door. “Well don’t you have a good shirt? Do you need a shirt? I have a shirt! Take my shirt!” A drunk boy around her age stopped her as he said this, pulling his shirt off and spilling his drink everywhere. “Jillian!”

Crap. This boy had stopped her, and Maverick found her. Thanks drunk boy, she thought.

“I’m not doing this with you Maverick.” She hissed, pushing the boy off of her. She continued out the door, and so did Maverick, right behind her.

“Jill! Stop. You never walk out on me. What did I do? If you didn’t want to come to the party just say that! We can go home. Is that what you want?” He said aggressively. She stopped walking, and turned to him slowly.

“What I want is for you to admit you’re only with me for show. I want you to stop with the questions that you clearly know the answer to. But, mostly, I want you to stop asking me what I want. Save it, because I know you don’t care at all, Mav.”

Maverick watched as Jill stormed to her car and drove off. He didn’t dare say another word, because Jill was right. She was mainly good for his reputation, so he kept her around solely because that was the most important thing in his life. So, he let her go tonight. But, he’d need her back eventually, and she loved him enough to come willingly. He chuckled to himself, reassuring the chase wasn’t over. But, Maverick knew this wasn’t a chase. This was, for him, a game.

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