Abigail Star

Abigail Star. That name was on the top of every newspaper ten years ago. “Missing 13 year old. Abigail Star.”

She was believed to be taken by a serial killer who would take teenage girls than rape and kill them. But the authority’s were on to him so he ran with Abigail. The case went cold after 4 months of searching and there were no suspects or leads.

After about a year a two people forgot about her only mentioned when someone would find an article about the killer. After all she was a shy girl with little friends and her family was poor and slowly falling apart from the inside. Her brother was arrested for drugs, her parents where getting a divorce, and her Grandma really the only person who understood her had died. The town had covered it up fearing the bad reputation of a killer and the town went back to being your basic perfect town, neighborhoods full of copy paste houses everyone with a happy family and a happy life.

It was a day like any other. Kids went to school and parents went to work. But as the sun was about to set a scream rang out from the backyard of one of the houses. A special house. Abigail’s old house.

Maddie stood their, her body shaking, her eyes glued yet trying to pulling away from the body of the ground. There was Abigail laid out in her old background with a note sitting on her chest. “i’m back”

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