
“Sit up straight I raised a girl not a cow,” her mother snipped.

Jades face turned bright red and she turned her face away from the guest at the dinner table while simultaneously trying to sit up as straight as she could. Most days she wouldn’t let her mothers words get to her. Most of the time she had thick enough skin, enough of a wall to shut everybody out. But, today had been bad. School had gotten worse, whispers and rumors spread, friends Turing her away without a second glance. She tried so hard not to let it hurt her, but it did, it hurt so fricken bad. It stabbed at her and made her second guess everything she had ever done.

“So what do you do for work?” Her father asked breaking her train of thought.

“Oh, I’m a lawyer and my wife is a dentist.”

“That’s nice, and Tom what job do you have at the moment?”

“Sorry to disappoint but nothing too grand yet, I’ve been working after school as a receptionist at the local hospital.”

“Oh? Do you hope to become a doctor?”


“That’s very ambitious of you, unlike3 my daughter you’re trying to do something with your life.”

Tom was apparently supposed to be her husband in a couple years and thanks to her parents they where already engaged. It hadn’t even been a week. You would think that arranged marriages where no longer a thing, but…Apparently that didn’t apply to the rich.

“So, Jade, how is school going?” Tom’s father asked. Sexist self centered prick.

“Good,” Jade answered his giving her best forced smile she could tell it looked more like a grimace because a moment later her Mother elbowed her in the ribs.

“School is going great so far this year, I have the highest grades in my year,” jade elaborated, in any other circumstances this would have been an insult to Tom, but he was a senior and she was a freshmen.

She couldn’t help but glance over at Tom, he gave her a huge self satisfied smirk. Prick. Prick. Prick. Prick. Prick.

Jade would totally punch that smug look off of his face if she didn’t know that her tiny little fist would do nothing against Tom, The top wrestler of Jan High School and the worst bully. The prick who threw her into lockers every morning, the prick who punched her lights out then threaten to tell her parents. The prick who did other horrible things and threatened her with his parents money. His parent who would give him anything he asked for against my own who would sooner disown me than fight for me. I excused myself from the table feeling sick, I walked slowly down the hall and into the bathroom. Then tried to shut the door, but there was a hand in the way. Tom pushed his way in behind me, trapping me against the wall. I tried to push him away but the brick of a man didn’t budge he cupped her cheek in his hands.

“I told you six years ago when you locked me in that locker that I would get my revenge and that everything you had would be mine.”

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