The sky full of stars seemed dead and cold; a place once so magical now hurt to behold.
Write a rhyming poem that ends with this line.
Blue waves fill the horizon
Choppy and harsh
Sharks lurking everywhere.
They swim amongst us
As we stay afloat… location unknown.
We set sail in the morning-
Which morning? It evades me.
The sun sets and returns
Just to taunt us as it makes it way home.
The scorching heat beams its heavy rays
While the waves rip open fresh wounds.
Salt burns our eyes.
The sail, once upright, now faces the ocean floor
As we cling to its underlay
Barely afloat.
Darkness creeps in
And the only light left comes from above;
Its so far away-
So beyond our reach.
Memories come and go
Like the waves to the shore
Once so nostalgic
Now a painful reminder of what once was.
The sky full of stars seemed dead and cold;
A place once so magical now hurt to behold.