
Most of the time I wander and wonder. I can only see my world in dark shades and lighter shades. There is a blinding white by the edge of my world. My brethren stomp hoofs impatiently. The bright whiteness dulls every turn of the world and this allows us to explore the other side. We screech with excitement.

The first time it happened, it made me pause and stand in awe. I found a creature that walked on two legs. It has an instrument of white light that flickered as if it was blinking in fear at my presence. The two-legged was running but mostly tripping over strange things of this world that don’t exist in my world. I easily give chase and reach out to stop the two-legged from moving. I hit it and it falls. It gets up and tries to run again but it can’t outpace my four legs. I hit it again and something amazing happened. A squirt of liquid comes out. Not the typical black liquid I see in my world but a completely exotic colour. Later, when I haunt the dreams of the two-legged, I discover they call it red. I continue to thump this first victim of mine with all of my hoofs. The glorious red spills and leaps from the two-legged and onto my own dark fur. I am coated in this red and each time I venture this the dimmed side, I love to find these two-legged and paint my fur once again in their red.

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