“If I pay you, will you please pretend to be my friend, just this week?”
Considering the relationship that exists between these characters, include this piece of speech in a story.
I Fell In Love With Her, My Bad, I’m Sorry!
“If i pay you, will you please pretend to be m-“ There goes another one.
…silence….even more silence…
“Okay.. don’t lose motivation.”
<Ooh another person who
fits the criteria!>
“Why are you looking at me
like that kid?..”
“Listen don’t walk away please, your the only one that’s stopped!
“Just hear me o-“
“Speak before i *do*
walk away kid.” *Long , …. long ….pause…..*
“ And i mean *n o w* girl,
before you lose yo’ chance.”
<Oakkay she’s
a *bit* scary,
but let’s go for it!! >>>
“If i pay you,
will you *please* be my friend?“
“I -
“ - *AND*BEFORE*you say no,
it’ll be just for this week ,
and *ONLY* for this week though!” Please please, pleasee let this work.
*i crossed my fingers*
For the love of
paradise and my devi-
*I suddenly feel me getting vigorously shook*
\distorted muffled..something?\
“O- y - H - llo- di - …..Hhh- y-
-k..d??-h- gibberish -lo?
<When i finally snapped back
from dissociation…->
“Huh- yeah what- huh?-“
“Are you alright kid? The
hell is wrong with you?
Now kid. Seriously.
Answer my question.
You can’t ask me one
then proceed not answer mine.”
“Oh i’m sorry i have a condition, but what was your question?”
“Why?” …silence. Uh…..jeez … I feared this happening.
“I- well, Evan said i can’t be friends with a girl and not try to date her. I am just trying to prove my point and get maybe..
….my ex back.”
“If we fall in love with each other.
You going to just say bye to me
and hi to her?
Because I am not —-Im not really
f-cking with that one homes. That’s green , how much you paying though beerbottle?”
Oh paradise and my device,
how does she know my middle
names Bo’Telle?!
It’s pronounced [BO-TELL]
not *bottle*.
“Fifty bucks, but i don’t know how many times you’ll have to kiss me so if you want me to rai-“
“Fifties fine , starting now? As in *now now*?”
“Mm..Yup, exactly.
That a problem?” Please say no.
<She grabbed my hand and said>
“So, which way you headed,
(Her emphasis was a
*little* cute not going to lie.)
*{skims schedule…
long silence included…..}*
“Where is it??-
There. I found it, let
me seee here…opposite of you,
Im going this way”
<I pointed behind me>,
“My class is in ;
^EHALL, at least that’s what
my schedule says.”
She turned around and pulled me towards my class.
“Well, don’t want to be
late do you girlfriend?”
“Oh- Yeah, no, yeah.”
She literally just caught me staring at her.
What have i gotten myself into, my ex is going to flip.
looks like i’m in for a ride. Definitely not mad though hehe.
:the end: